Bryan Picard
3104 Mason Dr., Plano, TX
MCSE, CCNA, CNA, Windows
’95/’98/ NT 4.0/2000, Novell 4.11, Cisco IOS, Cisco Wireless LAN (802.11b),
DNS, TCP/IP Configuration, LAN/WAN Protocols, RAS/VPN Connections, MS Exchange
5.5, Outlook ’97/’98/2000, MS Office Suite ’97/2000, Dell PC’s, Hewlett Packard
PC’s & Printers, Internet Explorer, Lotus Notes, and Citrix Metaframe
EDS 01/00
- Present
Senior Technical Analyst
Assist customers by
troubleshooting various issues including, but not limited to,
Windows 95/98/NT/2000, MS Office 2000, TCP/IP,
VPN/RAS connectivity, Internet Explorer, Outlook, Exchange, Lotus Notes, and Citrix Metaframe.
Provide step-by-step
operational support to 10,000+ end users, regarding issues in a vast range as
creating outlook profiles to RAS/VPN connectivity issues.
Achieved one of the
highest volumes of successful resolution of help desk tickets.
Assisted implementing
the Cisco wireless LAN (802.11b) technology into my division
Received recognition
of excellent service from numerous customers.
Member of the Special
Response Team.
Responded to
high-risk situations and served high-risk warrants.
Enforced Municipal
and State laws.
Responded to routine
and emergency calls.
witnesses, logged evidence, and testified in court hearings.
Maintained citizen
relations and interacted with the community.
Inside Sales
Provided customer
support for pneumatic machine valves and cylinders.
Generated sales and
provided leads for outside sales persons.
Assisted in technical
analysis of pneumatically operated machinery and provided information on proper
machine configuration.
Managed and generated
Regulated inventory
and prepared orders.
Maintained customer
MCSE (Southern Methodist University) November
CNA – IntranetWare: NetWare 4.11
Administration August
B.S. – Criminal Justice Southwest
Texas State (GPA 3.25) August
Certification Exams Completed:
Cisco Certified Network
Associate 2.0 Microsoft Windows NT
server 4.0 Enterprise
Microsoft Windows 95 Internetworking
Microsoft TCP/IP on Microsoft
Microsoft Exchange Server
5.5 Windows NT Workstation
Microsoft Windows NT
Server 4.0 Networking
NT Workstation 4.0 IntranetWare:
NetWare 4.11 Administration
Available upon requests