Bryan Picard

3104 Mason Dr., Plano, TX 75025


[email protected]




MCSE, CCNA, CNA, Windows ’95/’98/ NT 4.0/2000, Novell 4.11, Cisco IOS, Cisco Wireless LAN (802.11b), DNS, TCP/IP Configuration, LAN/WAN Protocols, RAS/VPN Connections, MS Exchange 5.5, Outlook ’97/’98/2000, MS Office Suite ’97/2000, Dell PC’s, Hewlett Packard PC’s & Printers, Internet Explorer, Lotus Notes, and Citrix Metaframe




EDS                                                                                                                 01/00 - Present

Senior Technical Analyst

·         Assist customers by troubleshooting various issues including, but not limited to,

Windows 95/98/NT/2000, MS Office 2000, TCP/IP, VPN/RAS connectivity, Internet Explorer, Outlook, Exchange, Lotus Notes, and Citrix Metaframe.

·         Provide step-by-step operational support to 10,000+ end users, regarding issues in a vast range as creating outlook profiles to RAS/VPN connectivity issues.

·         Achieved one of the highest volumes of successful resolution of help desk tickets.

·         Assisted implementing the Cisco wireless LAN (802.11b) technology into my division

·         Received recognition of excellent service from numerous customers.



Town of Addison                                                                                           03/96-01/00
Police Officer

·         Member of the Special Response Team. 

·         Responded to high-risk situations and served high-risk warrants.

·         Enforced Municipal and State laws.

·         Responded to routine and emergency calls.

·         Interviewed witnesses, logged evidence, and testified in court hearings.

·         Maintained citizen relations and interacted with the community.



Burns Controls                                                                                             01/95-06/95

Inside Sales

·         Provided customer support for pneumatic machine valves and cylinders.

·         Generated sales and provided leads for outside sales persons.

·         Assisted in technical analysis of pneumatically operated machinery and provided information on proper machine configuration.



Spirits Liquor Store                                                                          05/93-12/94


·         Managed and generated sales.

·         Regulated inventory and prepared orders.

·         Maintained customer relations.





CCNA                                                                                                              January 2001

MCSE (Southern Methodist University)                                                   November 1999

CNA – IntranetWare: NetWare 4.11 Administration                             August 1999

B.S. – Criminal Justice Southwest Texas State (GPA 3.25)                August 1994




Certification Exams Completed:

Cisco Certified Network Associate 2.0        Microsoft Windows NT server 4.0 Enterprise

Microsoft Windows 95                             Internetworking Microsoft TCP/IP on Microsoft

Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5                 Windows NT Workstation 4.0

Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0             Networking Essentials

Windows NT Workstation 4.0                   IntranetWare: NetWare 4.11 Administration






Available upon requests